Twitter Degrees of Separation?

There's a long-standing yet unproven theory that you're only ever 6 degrees (steps) separated from someone you know, via someone you don't really know.  Well, that's the very basic premise anyway, and sometimes quoted as 12 steps if you drink a lot (sorry, couldn't resist!).  It kind of says we're all somehow magically linked to each other.

I live in Sheffield and have often quipped that it's the largest village on the planet.  So 'small' in fact, that should I ever have a smutty 'affair' - my partner would know about it before I got home (I've no intention of proving this theory!).

So I thought it may be a fun idea to follow up on my Twitter Challenge by seeing if this could also work in the (currently) restricted e-world of Twitter.  My question is, on balance, exactly how many degrees of separation are there between those who follow me, back to me.

Here's how you can test this:

Look at those who are following you - it's possible they all know you - and are known to you (apart from the wierdo stalkers).  Course, there're also the TwitterSpammers - who don't know you, or give a toss who you are - they're there to get you to buy something or whatever - but interestingly, they do still count in this test.

Click on any 'follower', then randomly click on who is following them - and repeat until you find someone you know - and who is also following you.

Depending upon how much time you have, you can make this as scientific (or not) as you like.  I've tried it and found, to my absolute astonishment that nobody who is following me has any connection whatsoever with anyone else I know!

But it's a great way to waste a few hours when bored - eh?  :-)

Feel free to leave comments if you discover otherwise!



"nobody who is following me has any connection whatsoever with anyone else I know!"

You must have written that before I started following you then. I follow you, and know one person who is also following you ;-)


Yeah alright, I never anticipated becoming a viral phenomina :-)

6 degrees

Can't you get one of your skilled hacker folk you employ to write a programme to do this, screen scraping all those followers and building a tree of some sort?

Something I want to work on... a small application for a gps enabled device Andriod or Iphone or BB I am guessing. When on it scans your locaiton and if it finds you have moved within the proximity it pings and plays an audio file.

buildings would have a 100m radius public art say a 10 m radius, we could also let the public upload sound files and allocate channels

Uses town guided tours, canal trips with experts talking about stuff you get the drift.

Quesiton has it been done? is it a crap idea?


There are plenty of competing GPS based smartphone apps that try to do exactly what you suggest (If you have access to a G1, check out 'locale' - it's what I use for the auto-tweets - with the Twitta plugin, obviously).

The problem however, is just that they are competing - rather than working together on one main database.  My guess, FWIW, is that someone like Google will develop a geo-library and offer it via an app for Android - this will obviously be ported to PocketPC, iPhone etc.

Personally, I'd prefer to see Google iron out all the irritating bits of Android first, then release a SDK and API framework that encourages collaboration over competition.

Android SDK

Took a look at the new SDK for android at the weekend and was really impressed Eclipse modules, multiple emulators, good set of library functions, support for JUnit etc i think they are there with your development environment. What they don't have is the retail channel to push the apps in the same way the itunes/iphone does.

Chat soon


"Can't you get one of your skilled hacker folk you employ to write a programme to do this, screen scraping all those followers and building a tree of some sort?"

Do not encourage him!


Dick did say "skilled".